Our most recent ultrasound pics!

This morning was so much fun – I signed up to be a preggo volunteer at a local college so they could practice their ultrasound skills on me! I learnt so much about our little baby and how to recognize different things on the ultrasound machine. Today was also the first time that Chris and I have heard the heartbeat – for some reason our doctor didn’t do that (I think she may have thought we had heard it earlier on in the pregnancy). That was pretty special. It was kind of funny because I didn’t expect to think a heartbeat is cute, but hers was adorable! Another plus was being able to get a view clear enough to see her little mouth opening and closing and during this ultrasound she was super active so we got to see her moving and twisting a lot!

Here are some pics from this morning:


Eleni was resting the back of her hand on her cheek and looks positively ladylike!



Eleni 2

Another cute shot of her profile – what a pretty baby!


This is a seriously creepy photo – every family needs at least one, right? The big black circles are her eyes and I think she looks like one of those freaky dolls in a horror movie!


I love this photo of her foot! It measured 3cm long. (By the way, she weighs 14oz!)


the guns

Not sure if she was pointing at something in particular or just giving us a ‘cool’ greeting, but I love this little photo!


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