Baby P Weekly Update – 21 Weeks


Weeks Pregnant: 21 (we think, still not 100% sure!)

Baby is the size of: A spaghetti squash apparently! She weighs approx. 14oz as we were told at our last ultrasound.

Symptoms: My hip hasn’t bothered me as much lately so that’s a huge blessing! My chin has completely broken out, but looks like it’s clearing up now – where’s this fabulous pregnancy skin everybody raved about?!

Baby bump: I am honestly ALL belly. The rest of me hasn’t changed a bit. I looked at pre-preggo photos of myself to compare with  and I seriously look the same, just with a big ol’ bump at the front! People who don’t know me are starting to notice that I’m pregnant now which is quite sweet.

Movement: Well, this baby is her daddy’s daughter make no mistake about that. H-Y-P-E-R. I love feeling her move around, and especially love that others are able to feel it from the outside. In fact, if I’m lying still enough you can see it from the outside too!

Stretch marks: Still no stretch marks.

Cravings: My favorite preggo snack of all time is Lindt Dark Chocolate with ‘a touch of sea salt’. I don’t feel super guilty about it since I need the extra calories and it’s dark chocolate which is healthier for you.


Maternity clothes: I found some dark skinnies!!! Well, they’re not super dark, and they’re not super skinny either but they’ll do for now. Either way, I can finally wear jeans without being ridiculously uncomfortable and that is a great feeling!

Eating habits (healthy/unhealthy): I feel like I’m on track with eating healthily (except when we go to Kylie and Chance’s house and eat pizza two times in one week – SO BAD). I’m not really drinking any sodas, not eating a whole lot of sweets (apart from the dark choccie) and I’ve never particularly liked fast food or anything fried so I feel good!

Memory of the week: We finally got to hear Baby Leni’s heartbeat! It’s been really funny, usually that’s the first connection you have with the baby but I guess all the people we’ve seen assumed we had done it before! So when we had our wonderful experience at the college, we got to hear her pumping away in there – it was precious. Also, it has been the biggest blessing to consistently receive hand-me-down clothes from friends – so much fun to look through all the little onesies! Chris and I honestly haven’t bought a single thing for Eleni yet which is a huge blessing.

Most excited about: This weekend Chris’ sister and her four kids are coming in from Georgia for the weekend and Chris, his mom, his sister and I have been given guest passes to a pre-sale event at the Wee Trade Consignment Sale in Asheville this weekend. Chris’ mom has very generously set aside some money to buy us nursery furniture so that is what we will be searching for tomorrow! So excited!

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