Baby P Weekly Update – 26 Weeks

Weeks pregnant: 26 (about to be 27)

Baby size: Roughly 15 inches long and weighing about 2lbs. About the size of a head of lettuce.


Symptoms: Still some strange muscle pain and my physical stamina is shot but otherwise, not much else!

Baby bump: Getting bigger everyday it feels like. I really am having so much fun with it – I may even tie a ribbon around it for Easter because it looks just like a little egg!

Movement: Still a very active baby. My father in law Matt was sitting on the other side of the living room last night and could see my tummy bouncing around from there!

Cravings: Still none. Which is good, but boring at the same time!

Maternity clothes: Today I am wearing a pair of the maternity work pants and a maternity shirt that my mother in law bought me. Probably the first complete outfit I’ve worn so far that has been completely maternity. The shirt is a little big but I have no doubt that I will fill it out fairly soon at the rate Eleni is growing!

Eating habits (healthy/unhealthy): Still doing well, making sure I get those extra calories but trying not to get them from bad foods! My only slip up this week has been drinking a coke on Sunday.

Memory of the week: Chris and I discovered a new restaurant last night which we (us 3) absolutely loved! It’s called Juicy Lucy’s in Asheville and they have some incredible burgers with some really creative toppings. Last night I got the Bahama-Mama which had three slices of ham, two slices of grilled pineapple and a sweet teriyaki sauce on top. Next time I’m getting the Greek veggie burger!

Most excited about: The nursery shaping up so nicely. We got our crib in there and the changing table, and are planning on painting hopefully next week! (sorry the lighting is so different in the two pictures, the top one was during the day and the bottom one was at night but they are made of the same wood so they do match!)

changing table


Baby P Weekly Update – 25 Weeks

Weeks pregnant: 25 (although I’m 26 weeks now, this is report on week 25!)

Baby size: About the size of an eggplant!



Symptoms: Still some strange muscle pain and my physical stamina is shot but otherwise, not much else!

Baby bump: Yep, it’s there!

Movement: Lots and lots of movement – especially late at night now. This week our friend was playing the keyboard and apparently she loved it!

Cravings: Nope.

Maternity clothes: All the pants that I wear now have to be maternity!

Eating habits (healthy/unhealthy): I still feel like I’m on track with the healthy eating, Thursday evenings I tend to eat sweets as it’s our college group night, but other than that I’ve been a good girl!

Memory of the week: Today we cleared out the nursery, chose our final paint colors and got our crib! Very busy day but everything is looking so lovely. Here is a sneak peak of the nursery colors:


Most excited about: Getting the whole nursery painted – hopefully that will happen this weekend!!!

Baby P Weekly Update – 24 Weeks


Weeks Pregnant: 24

Baby size: Leni is about the size of a cantaloupe! My belly certainly looks like it! She is around a foot long, and probably weighs about a pound and a bit.


Symptoms: I am still in quite a lot of pain (anyone wanting to donate a preggo massage to the cause, step right up!), but it’s changed from hurting as a result of physical exertion to hurting as a result of sitting/laying still! If I’ve been watching a movie or sleeping it is so very painful when I get up and move around afterwards! My muscles are starting to ache and cramp up. Yuck! I need to do some research on what food/drink will help with this.  Needless to say, our house has been tidier this week because that’s a good way to get me moving. 

Baby bump: Quite large in my opinion, but it’s only going to get bigger!

Movement: There have been a lot of kicks, punches and ripples across my belly lately! Everytime I’m sitting down she’s moving. She didn’t used to move when singing, but I was on stage this past Sunday and she started moving around – very weird!

Cravings: Still none, I just want to cook all the time though! I’ve been itching to feed people – so funny.

Maternity clothes: My maternity skinny jeans from Heidi Klum/Motherhood Maternity came in and they fit perfectly! They are very true to size – I was an extra small before and I’m an extra small now so I didn’t have to worry about exchanging them or anything. I also got my maternity/hospital pyjamas in and they are the comfiest! My mother in law has been enjoying the challenge of finding maternity clothes that I can wear, so she just recently ordered me some work clothes from Old Navy’s website – I had NO IDEA that they sold maternity clothes, and they’re on sale right now too!

Eating habits (healthy/unhealthy): I’ve been doing really well this week. I am in love with freshly sauteed spinach with a little garlic, and with avocado/feta cheese on toast and of course, the iced water! Apparently drinking lots of water during pregnancy helps to increase the elasticity of your skin and therefore can be very good at preventing stretch marks – yay! Chris and I tend to eat quite healthily as it is, and we don’t really use anything from a can (especially canned soup, that stuff is from the devil!) so our diets haven’t changed a whole lot apart from eating better breakfasts and eating more frequently throughout the day.

Memory of the week: This week, the reality of having to be a working mom hit me like a ton of bricks! I always imagined myself staying at home with the kids, and I have never felt driven towards having a career so its been really odd realizing that I will have to go back to work 6-8 weeks after Eleni is born. Thankfully it is still just part-time, and Chris’ schedule works out to where he can watch her a couple times a week and we have options for the other days so it’s not a huge deal and I’ve worked through it in my heart – I am totally fine with having to work post-baby. There comes a point where sometimes you have to hand over your hopes and dreams for the time being and just let what is going to happen, happen. My work is so incredibly flexible and understanding, they are really wonderful people and I have no qualms anymore about coming back. So that’s what I’ve been working on this week!

Most excited about: Sorting out the nursery. There is quite a bit more to move out of there so that we can paint, but if we get that done this week we can potentially paint on Saturday!!!